How to Successfully Automate Packaging in Low-volume, High-mix Production

Recent advances in robotic programming have reduced the implementation time of robotic automation to a point where even small and medium sized manufacturers with high-mix, low-volume production can get a robotic packaging application up and running in just a few hours

Have You Looked at Automating Fabrication Tasks in the Past? Why Didn't You?

We recently hosted a webinar titled: "Unlock Value-Stream Productivity with Robotic Cutting". During this webinar, we polled audience members. Our first question: Have you looked at automating fabrication tasks in the past. Most respondents said yes, they had, in fact, explored this.

Big Trends in Offline Programming Software for Robot

In the world of robotics, Offline Programming (OLP) has come a long way in a short time, and the global pandemic has jumpstarted more innovation. Industrial robots have evolved to collaborative robots ("cobots") that work side by side with their human counterparts.

Offline Robot Programming for Polishing Aircraft Engine Lipskins

In 2020, McStarlite invested in automation by integrating a KUKA robot coupled with Robotmaster offline robot programming (OLP) software, to perform the lipskin polishing application.

10 Things to Consider When Exploring Offline Robot Programming Software Solutions

Offline Robot Programming (OLP) takes the programming "offline" - away from the teach pendent / robot cell - allowing the user to generate the robotic code from their computer without having to take the robot out of production to generate it.

Calculating the ROI of Offline Robot Programming Software

Capital investments in advanced manufacturing environments require careful consideration, especially if that investment is for a new process or technology. If you are looking at investing in OLP here are some things to consider about the potential return on investment (ROI).

Is your OLRP Implementation Process SMART?

For any Offline Robot Programming solution to be effective, the virtual robot cell set up in the software must be identical to the existing physical robot cell. OCTOPUZ refers to this process as "implementation".

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Featured Product

Discover how human-robot collaboration can take flexibility to new heights!

Discover how human-robot collaboration can take flexibility to new heights!

Humans and robots can now share tasks - and this new partnership is on the verge of revolutionizing the production line. Today's drivers like data-driven services, decreasing product lifetimes and the need for product differentiation are putting flexibility paramount, and no technology is better suited to meet these needs than the Omron TM Series Collaborative Robot. With force feedback, collision detection technology and an intuitive, hand-guided teaching mechanism, the TM Series cobot is designed to work in immediate proximity to a human worker and is easier than ever to train on new tasks.