Testing drive systems virtually - Simulink library for development and digital twin.

How will the drive actually behave in the real-life application? For brushless DC-motors from FAULHABER, this question can be answered without any hardware whatsoever.

Adoption of Digital Twins Set to Accelerate with the Latest Release of Duality's Falcon Platform Powered by Unreal Engine

Digital twin simulation is emerging as a powerful resource for solving complex problems in AI, robotics, and smart system development. It can bring understanding of the physical world to AI models

What is Digital Twin technology and why is it important for manufacturers?

Whilst uptake in smaller manufacturing firms has been slower, those within the sector are slowly starting to see the value that digital twin technology can bring, no matter the size of the business.

Climate-neutral, highly economical production through AI and digitization

Digitization and AI have become a matter of intense public discourse. However, this leads to more questions than answers. This is where automatica, held from June 27 to 30, 2023, comes in with its digital solutions and components.

How Simulation Can Secure Your Robotics Investment

Robotics simulation can be defined as a digital tool used to engineer robotics-based automated production systems. Essentially, robot simulation employs a digital representation to enable dynamic interaction with robot models and machines in a virtual environment.

Japanese Robot Manufacturer relies on Digital Twin by CENIT

FASTSUITE E2 technology provides powerful foundation for digital twinning and offline programming at Sugino Machine

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High Performance Servo Drives for localized and distributed control applications from Servo2Go.com

High Performance Servo Drives for localized and distributed control applications from Servo2Go.com

Engineered to drive brushless and brush servomotors in torque, velocity or position mode, Servo2Go.com offers a broad selection of servo drives in a wide range of input voltages and output power levels.