Interoperability, the VDA5050 Standard and MiR's approach
The VDA5050 standard is one of the industry's attempts to address this challenge by standardizing communication between multiple different robot types from various suppliers using a common control system.
Envisioning the 6G Future
If we're learning anything from 5G implementations, it's that the demand for connectivity is increasing at an exponential rate as wireless communication is becoming more and more essential to our daily lives.
Hypervisors in Robotics
Communications are much faster since you are no longer communicating across cables. Instead, communication happens through a low-latency shared memory space with deterministic time synchronization of operations.
Readers Choice 2020: Using Mesh Network Applications for Robotics
Many companies make mesh network products for home Wi-Fi systems. Those are indeed valid and popular applications, but there are ample opportunities to use mesh networks for robotics, too.
Robots & Humans Cooperating and Coexisting in the Future
I believe that systems will receive high-level strategic goals ("Build one car according to the following specification: ...") and will be autonomous in the way of how they achieve these goals, together with people
The Benefits of Radio Frequency Identification (RFID)
Similar to UPC, Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) has had delayed acceptance in the industry. Patented in 1983, initial RFID research completed in Los Alamos during the 1970s has seen limited acceptance.
Safe Cut
Safety gate system and safe interlocking for a core cutter. Where axles rotate, masses are in motion and cutting tools are in action, there is always the question of safety for man and machine.
5 Real-Time, Ethernet-Based Fieldbuses Compared
This paper seeks to determine which standard offers the best value and has the best chance of being viable in the long term.
ADLINK Introduces Complete EtherCAT Solution
New system offers ruggedness, intelligence and superior motion function scalability
Industrial Wi-Fi Harnesses Big Data and Video Transmission
NEXCOM's latest access point offers a stable and reliable Wi-Fi architecture, which optimizes operational efficiency, security, and safety of plants.
Ultra-Compact Multiprotocol I/O Modules Provide Flexible On-Machine Communication
The 32 mm slim TBEN-S modules from TURCK can be operated automatically in PROFINET, Modbus TCP or EtherNet/IP thanks to the multiprotocol communication
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Featured Product

Bota Systems - The SensONE 6-axis force torque sensor for robots
Our Bota Systems force torque sensors, like the SensONE, are designed for collaborative and industrial robots. It enables human machine interaction, provides force, vision and inertia data and offers "plug and work" foll all platforms. The compact design is dustproof and water-resistant. The ISO 9409-1-50-4-M6 mounting flange makes integrating the SensONE sensor with robots extremely easy.
No adapter is needed, only fasteners! The SensONE sensor is a one of its kind product and the best solution for force feedback applications and collaborative robots at its price. The SensONE is available in two communication options and includes software integration with TwinCAT, ROS, LabVIEW and MATLAB®.