How Unmanned Underwater Vehicles Could Become Easier to Detect - new research from Draper, MIT
Researchers have developed a passive acoustic remote sensing method for unmanned underwater vehicles, which was demonstrated in Charles River field experiments, pictured here.
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Schmalz Technology Development - The Right Gripper for Every Task
In order to interact with their environment and perform the tasks, lightweight robots, like all industrial robots, depend on tools - and in many cases these are vacuum grippers. These form the interface to the workpiece and are therefore a decisive part of the overall system. With their help, the robots can pick up, move, position, process, sort, stack and deposit a wide variety of goods and components. Vacuum gripping systems allow particularly gentle handling of workpieces, a compact and space-saving system design and gripping from above. Precisely because the object does not have to be gripped, the vacuum suction cupenables gapless positioning next to each other.