1st Annual Robies Awards Recognizes Notable Robotics Technologies at Work

Robotics Trends Makes Announcement in Conjunction with RoboBusiness Leadership Summit

November 29, 2011 - Robotics Trends, the information leader covering the robotics industry, today announced products and technologies that are having significant impact on the robotics industry. The announcement took place at the 2011 RoboBusiness Leadership Summit, held Nov 2-3rd in Boston. The executive-level conference focused on commercial advancement in the robotics industry.

The 1st Annual Robies Awards Program was created to recognize firms and technologies that are helping to move the robotics industry forward. The Advisory Board for the RoboBusiness Leadership Summit evaluated products and technologies both submitted through an application process, as well other contributing products and technologies identified by the Advisory Board. The 2011 Robies Awards

Notables included:

Most Notable Products

Consumer Services Category: iRobot, Ava
Consumer Services Category: iRobot, Scooba 230
Consumer Services Category: iRobot, Roomba 700 Series
Consumer Services Category: Microsoft, Kinect
Consumer Services Category: Orbotix, Sphero
Consumer Services Category: Sensory, TrulyHandsfree™ Voice Control
Education Category: VisualEdge, Green Street
Industrial Category: DENSO Robotics, VS-Series Six-Axis Robots
Industrial Category: Intellibot Robotics, HydroBot
Industrial Category: Motoman, MyMotoman
Industrial Category: Panasonic, HOSPI-Rimo
Industrial Category: Precise Path Robotics, RG3
Industrial Category: Robotiq, Adaptive Gripper
Industrial Category: Seegrid, GP8 Vision-Guided Pallet Truck
Industrial Category: Universal Robotics, Neocortex
Industrial Category: Yost Engineering, 3-Space Sensor
Industrial Category: Wynright, RTL (Robotic Truck Loader)

Most Noteworthy Organizations

EYESHOTS Consortium
International Robotics
QinetiQ North America
Seegrid Corporation
U.S. Department of Transportation
Texas A&M Center for Robot Assisted Search and Rescue (CRASAR)
Willow Garage

The 2nd Annual Robies awards will be held in conjunction with the 2012 RoboBusiness Leadership Summit, scheduled to take place October 23-24, 2012 in Pittsburgh, PA. For more information contact Alexandra Walter - awalter@ehpub.com.

About Robotics Trends
Robotics Trends, a division of EH Publishing, Inc., is the world's first integrated media firm serving the burgeoning educational, personal, service, industrial and mobile robotics marketplace. Robotics Trends serves the robotics industry through two major business divisions:

Robotics Trends Publishing, which produces www.roboticstrends.com, an online news, information and analysis portal focused on business and technology trends for people who build, buy, invest in, and seek to understand the educational, personal, service, mobile, industrial and military robotics market; and Robotics Trends, a subscription media product providing primary research, analysis and market observations for the robotics and intelligent systems industries.

Robotics Trends Events, which produces the RoboBusiness Leadership Summit (www.robobusiness.com), the Robotics Trends Virtual Summit (www.robovirtualevents.com), and the RoboNexus (www.robonexus.com).

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FAULHABER MICROMO - Game changer in logistics

FAULHABER MICROMO - Game changer in logistics

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