Mobile Robot Companies GeckoSystems-US and ZMP-Japan Sign MOU

Technology exchange and joint marketing in autonomous mobile service robots and next generation mobility announced in joint press release

CONYERS, Ga., Nov. 23, 2011 - GeckoSystems Intl. Corp. announced today that their Pacific Rim business development representative, Mr. Hajime Yasumatsu, Chairman, Yasu, Inc. had secured a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between GeckoSystems and a premier Japanese mobile robot solutions company, ZMP, Inc., Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo, Japan.

This MOU is an extremely important and epoch making Memorandum which covers and declares both companies' mutual technological and marketing collaboration of all the kind of robotics technologies and products in the territory of USA and in Japan, and possibly in other countries all over the world.

Advanced Mobile Service Robot Companies GeckoSystems Intl. Corp., a U.S. company and ZMP Inc. of Japan signed important Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) enabling immediate collaboration projects of both companies. Projects contemplated at this time are a Mobile Service Robot, Collision Free Wheelchair, and Collision Free Car. The common goal of the companies and these technologies is to assist people in living a safe and comfortable life, focusing on the elderly and disabled.

"We will work with the other in good faith in order to produce Definitive Agreements and closing of the transaction in a speedy and timely manner," summarized Mr. Hisashi Taniguchi, CEO/President, ZMP Inc. He further added that ZMP had been doing management service of autonomous mobile control technologies in collaboration with Hirayama & Company Patent, Design & Trademark Attorneys. Hirayama Attorney Office shall be involved in this project with GSIC also and shall undertake supervision of each Company's contribution to each project together with administration services of the IP.

"We are pleased to announce that subject to the satisfactory results of ZMP's evaluation of our MSR technologies and the conditions, agreements and undertakings referenced in this MOU, that ZMP will secure a licensing agreement for our mobile robot solutions," summarized Martin Spencer, CEO/President, GeckoSystems Intl. Corp.

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The piCOBOT Electric vacuum generator

The piCOBOT Electric vacuum generator

Fully electric, slim design and absence of air-tubing and cabling. The new piCOBOT® Electric heads towards another success for Piab's piCOBOT® program. A secondary effect of these achievements is the absence of entangling air tubing and cabling. It simplifies the installation, and as the new piCOBOT® Electric only needs a single connection on the cobot arm, the clean set-up allows a completely unrestricted movement. The new piCOBOT® Electric package will contain plug & play software to fit UR e-series cobots, but many other useful adaptations will be introduced in the coming year