Gstarsoft Highlights New Dynamic Block Editor in GstarCAD 2012

The dynamic block in the upcoming GstarCAD 2012 adds flexibility and intelligence to symbols.

Beijing, China: November 16, 2011-- GstarCAD, a leading provider of 2D/3D software to the design industry today began revealing details of its upcoming GstarCAD 2012 release of computer-aided design software. The update will provide power users with greater efficiency through the addition of a number of new design-oriented functions. First to be revealed is the powerful dynamic block functionality that adds flexibility and intelligence to symbols.

The new block editor environment in GstarCAD 2012 lets users design and edit regular blocks (symbols) and to program dynamic blocks that interact with drawings in powerful new ways. The block editor lets users attach parameters, visibility states, and actions to blocks. Once dynamic blocks are added to drawings, users can interactively change the shape, size, and position of the blocks; there is no longer any need to redefine or reinsert multiple static blocks in the drawings.

Users enter the block editor with the new Bedit command. There, they will find dozens of commands, system variables, parameters, parameter sets, and actions with which they can customize the actions of blocks. The large number of parameters and actions make it easy for blocks to be manipulated by users, thereby significantly improving the efficiency and flexibility of designs and drawings.

Parts of dynamic blocks can be made to move, stretch, rotate, lookup, and scale. After dynamic blocks are inserted into the drawings, users can change their shapes and sizes easily through simple clicking and dragging of blocks unlike general block references.

Dynamic blocks created in GstarCAD 2012 are highly compatible with those created in AutoCAD. DWG files containing dynamic blocks can be opened and edited seamlessly with either GstarCAD 2012 or AutoCAD, no loss of parameters, visibility modes, or actions. By adding dynamic blocks to GstarCAD, Gstarsoft enhances its compatibility with AutoCAD even further.

About GstarCAD
GstarCAD is fast, powerful, .dwg-compatible CAD software for the AEC, mechanical, manufacturing, electrical, GIS, survey and mapping indurstries. The world-class 2D/3D CAD software platform based is based on IntelliCAD technology.

GstarCAD's powerful functions, .dwg compatibility, and programming platform, are built on a cost-effective solution with an easy to user interface. Gstarsoft ensures that your design inspiration comes true.

Contact Information

Suzhou Gstarsoft Co., Ltd
No.1355, Jinjihu Avenue, Suzhou Industrial Park, Jiangsu, 215021, China
Phone +86 512 62870220
Fax +86 512 62528938

Beijing Branch
Room 305, Block A, Kejicaifu Center, NO.8, XueQing Road, Haidian District, Beijing, 100085, China
Phone +86 10 82736615

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