Health Robotics Announces the Successful Implementation of the i.v.STATION Robot at Children's Hospital Los Angeles
Health Robotics today announced the successful implementation of i.v.STATION at Children's Hospital Los Angeles, with the opening of its new and state-of-the-art hospital facility, the Marion and John E. Anderson Pavilion.
Health Robotics today announced the successful implementation of i.v.STATION at Children's Hospital Los Angeles, with the opening of its new and state-of-the-art hospital facility, the Marion and John E. Anderson Pavilion. Children's Hospital Los Angeles is now the 6th i.v.STATION Robot operating in the United States of America, after Long Beach Memorial Hospital, Miller Children's Hospital, Brigham & Women's Hospital (2 Robots), and Allegiance Health.
"Children's Hospital Los Angeles' pharmacy practice is dedicated to providing excellence in pharmaceutical care" said Carol Taketomo, Pharm. D., director of Pharmacy at Children's Hospital Los Angeles. "We are excited about Health Robotics' technology as a new method for providing safe, accurate, and efficient technology. It will greatly improve our pharmacy practice. The i.v.STATION Robot, a state-of-the-art, self-contained unit known for its safety features and its compact size was selected as the best choice for Children's Hospital Los Angeles to enhance our pharmacy technology."
i.v.STATION has gone mainstream in the United States of America now that it is supporting pharmacy staff with "live" operations at diverse health care settings such as academic, general acute, pediatric, maternity, community, and operating rooms at the hospitals mentioned above, plus soon to also provide support for off-site compounding pharmacies such as Cooperative Services of Florida/LeeSar. i.v.STATION's short return on investment, low price, small dimensions, speed, and patient safety advantages over much older robots have yielded an undefeated competitive record for the past consecutive 21 months-ever since its introduction to the United States pharmacy automation market.
Gaspar DeViedma, Health Robotics' Executive Vice President added, "We are proud to support exceptional commitment to patient safety with our advanced technology at Children's Hospital Los Angeles. The i.v.STATION Robot is the ultimate example in the sophisticated field of Mechatronics-robots, digitally controlled machines, and self-adaptive tools that are integrated with a vast amount of system knowledge and embedded software. As a start-up company, everyone at Health Robotics was excited to see that i.v.STATION was promoted in TV through a unique and interactive game created by Children's Hospital Los Angeles featuring Los Angeles Dodgers first baseman, James Loney in "Find James First" prior to the opening of the new Anderson Pavilion in July 2011".
About Children's Hospital of Los Angeles:
Children's Hospital Los Angeles has been named the best children's hospital in California and among the best in the nation for clinical excellence with its selection to the prestigious US News & World Report Honor Roll. Children's Hospital is home to The Saban Research Institute, one of the largest and most productive pediatric research facilities in the United States, is one of America's premier teaching hospitals and has been affiliated with the Keck School of Medicine of the University of Southern California since 1932.
About Health Robotics:
Founded in 2006, Health Robotics is the undisputed global leading supplier of life-critical intravenous medication robots, winning 100 percent of all worldwide I.V. Robot's publicly announced purchases over the past 21+ months, and providing well over 200 hospital installations in six continents with robotics-based technology and software automation solutions. Health Robotics' world-leading solutions CytoCare and i.v.STATION ONCO [hazardous IVs], i.v.STATION [non-hazardous IVs], i.v.SOFT [workflow engine for manual compounding], MEDarchiver [life-critical clinical information system], and TPNstation [totally-automated parenteral nutrition] have and will greatly contribute to ease hospitals' growing pressures to improve patient safety, increase throughput and contain costs. Through the effective and efficient production of sterile, accurate, tamper-evident and ready-to-administer IVs, Health Robotics' products help hospitals eliminate life-threatening drug and diluent exchange errors, decrease other medical mistakes and sterility risks, work more efficiently, reduce waste and controlled substances' diversion, and diminish the gap between rising patient volume/acuity and scarce medical, nursing, and pharmacy staff. For more information, please visit:
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