Marketing Partner

Omron Automation
Omron is an industrial automation partner that creates, sells and services fully integrated automation solutions that include robotics, sensing, motion, logic, safety, and more for manufacturers in the automotive, semiconductor, food and beverage packaging and other industries. Established in 1933, Omron helps businesses solve problems with creativity worldwide, with more than 37,000 employees serving over 110 countries. Adept Technologies is now a valued part of the Omron family.
Mailing Address:
2895 Greenspoint Parkway, Suite 200
Hoffman Estates, IL 60169
United States of America
Tel: 800-556-6766
Company Category: Industrial Robotics
Company Sector: Manufacturing
Keywords: robot, SCARA, six-axis, mobile, parallel, adept
Partner Status: Marketing Partner

Discover how human-robot collaboration can take flexibility to new heights!
Humans and robots can now share tasks - and this new partnership is on the verge of revolutionizing the production line. Today's drivers like data-driven services, decreasing product lifetimes and the need for product differentiation are putting flexibility paramount, and no technology is better suited to meet these needs than the Omron TM Series Collaborative Robot. With force feedback, collision detection technology and an intuitive, hand-guided teaching mechanism, the TM Series cobot is designed to work in immediate proximity to a human worker and is easier than ever to train on new tasks.
Preparing Your Facility for Mobile Robots: Key Considerations for Seamless Integration
Transforming Manufacturing Processes with AMRs: Boosting Efficiency and Adaptability
Maximizing the Value of Collaborative Robots
Improving Materials Processing With Robotics
How to Choose a Mobile Robot
Important Considerations When Implementing AMR Solutions
Four Ways to Improve Your Logistics Applications
How Smart Manufacturing Solutions Address Current Megatrends in the Packaging Industry
How the Automotive Technology Showcased at CES Could Impact Vehicle Manufacturing
Talking ATX West with Omron
Talking PACK EXPO with OMRON
Talking IMTS with Omron
How to Prepare Now for the Industrial Internet of Things
Microscan Gigabit Ethernet Cameras Provide Ampoule Inspection in the Pharmaceutical Industry
Optimizing Barcode Reading and Inspection Capability for the Life of Your System
Integrated 2D Imaging Engine from Microscan Helps Improve Production Yield, Quality and Traceability at Each Step of the PCB Manufacturing Process
Coding & Marking Challenges: Common Industrial Print Techniques and Their Challenges
Automated Vision Inspection and Parts Traceability in Automotive Assembly Process
Integrated Ultra-compact Barcode Imagers Enable Automated Laboratory Diagnostics
Machine Vision Technology Ensures Product Quality and Traceability at Del Monte Foods
Cloud Manufacturing
Industrial Robots with Image Processing in the Photovoltaic Industry
Adept Robotics for the Solar Industry
White Papers