Innovative Integration Announces the FMC-Servo

FMC-Servo with Eight 16-bit, 500 kSPS A/D Channels Eight 16-Bit D/A Channels with on-board PLL

Camarillo, California June 19, 2015

Innovative Integration, a trusted supplier of signal processing and data acquisition hardware and software solutions, today announced the FMC-Servo. The FMC-SERVO module features eight simultaneously sampling A/D and DACs with a flexible, low-jitter programmable time base.

The key benefit of the FMC-Servo is the ability to create high-end system solutions in which a portion of a sophisticated control algorithm is embedded in an FPGA, which performs high-speed computations at the sample rate, while the remainder of the algorithm is performed by a microcontroller, making this product a perfect match to modern system-on-chip (SoC) solutions such as the Xilinx Zynq used on Innovative's Cardsharp single board computer. This combination is ideal to address Industrial Instrumentation Systems, Real-time Control Systems, Sensor Data Recording and Playback or Machine Learning Systems. Target markets include test & measurement, control, and energy & power generation.

Low latency, fast-settling successive-approximation A/Ds and DACs support real-time servo control applications. The programmable, high-resolution input range supports direct interfacing to many sensors, while the buffered outputs are capable of directly driving many transducers. Front panel digital IO can be also be used as PWM or process controls. The FMC-Servo clock and trigger controls include support for consistent servo loop timing, counted frames, software triggering and external triggering.

Support logic in VHDL is provided for integration with FPGA carrier cards. Specific support for Innovative carrier cards includes integration with Framework Logic tools that support VHDL and Matlab developers. The Matlab BSP supports real-time hardware-in-the-loop development using the graphical block diagram Simulink environment with Xilinx System Generator for the FMC integrated with the FPGA carrier card.

Software tools for Innovative carrier cards include host development C++ libraries and drivers for Windows and Linux, 32/64-bit including RTOS variants.

About Innovative Integration
Innovative Integration is a subsidiary of Interconnect Systems, Inc. Innovative Integration is a data acquisition company that designs embedded boards, for digital signal processing, software defined radio and data acquisition with digital & analog interfaces which incorporates re configurable FPGAs that include the form factors of XMC, FMC, PCIe, & VPX. Digital receiver instrumentation and embedded PCs are also included within our product portfolio. For more information on Innovative Integration please visit

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