SMi release attendee list for Military Robotics 2014
The 2nd annual Military Robotics conference will take place on the 21st & 22nd May 2014, London, UK.
London 16 May 2014
SMi's 2nd annual conference on Military Robotics takes place next week on the 21st and 22nd May 2014 in London, UK.
Network with the following confirmed attendees:
Army Concepts and Capabilities Development Center Germany, BBC Future, Cobham Technical Services, DSTL, Egyptian Defence Office, FOI - Swedish Defence Research Agency, German MoD, Institute of Mathematical Machines and Systems, International Committee of the Red Cross, Isotek Electronics, ITUCR, Ministry of Russian Federation for Civil Defense, RTC Russia, Singapore Technologies Automotive, Shape NATO, Swiss Federal Department of Defence, Telerob - Cobham, The Mitre Corporation, University College London, Warfighting Laboratory USA plus many more.
This year's event will focus on key topic areas such as unmanned and autonomous ground and marine vehicles; key capability requirements; using armed robots on the battlefield and the debates around the use of artificial intelligence and legal implications. Click here for further details.
The 2014 speaker line-up includes:
*KEYNOTE ADDRESS: Major Philip Moore, SO2 EOD, DEODS, British Army HQ
*KEYNOTE ADDRESS: Dr. Bill Powers, Research Fellow, Potomac Institute for Policy Studies, Center for Emerging Threats and Opportunities, Futures Assessment Division, Futures Directorate
*US Marine Corps
*Lieutenant Colonel Matthew A. Dooley, Chief of Lethality Branch, Army Capabilities Integration Center, US Army
*Colonel Frank Peter Schmitz, DEU Army, Branch Chief, Strategic Defence Planning & Concepts, Land Forces & Medical Service, German Federal Ministry of Defence
*Lieutenant Colonel (ret) Hilmi Tekinsoy, Former Commander for Turkish Defence Forces
*Dr Frank Schneider, Organiser, European Robot Trial (ELROB), Head of European Robotics, Department Head of Unmanned Systems, Fraunhofer Institute for Communication, Information Processing and Ergonomics
*Dr. Yahya H. Zweiri, Design & Development Department Manager, King Abdullah II Design and Development Bureau (KADDB)
*Discuss new technology being developed and how to implement it within the military
*Understand technological performance and operational challenges from using CUTLASS and the Dragon Runner in the field from the British Army
*Analyse the current developments surrounding OED
*Develop ideas to maximise interoperability
*Join Cobham Technical Services where they will showcase some novel virtual-reality training tools to help explain their robot-mounted counter-IED capabilities.
*Hear future challenges and outlooks for Military Robotics
Places are now filling up fast so those interested are advised to secure their seat today, please visit to book now.
For further details please contact William Youle on email wyoule(at)smi-online(dot) or call +44 (0)20 7827 6064.
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The maxon IDX Compact Drive with Integrated Positioning Controller
The compact brushless EC-i motor combined with an EPOS4 positioning controller delivers a highly dynamic, powerful drive package with field-oriented control (FOC), high efficiency, and maintenance-free components in a high-quality industrial housing. The maxon IDX drives are suitable for use across the entire speed range (from standstill to maximum speed) and have an extremely high overload capability. Together with a positioning controller, the integrated sensor (single turn) enables absolute positioning.