Oregon-based Tech Company, APlus Mobile, Announces Launch of the MotherBonePiOne Via Kickstarter

MotherBone™PiOne™ is a peripheral motherboard for BeagleBone Black & Raspberry Pi providing safe I/O expansion for Linux control systems

OREGON CITY, Ore., April 22, 2014 -- The MotherBone™PiOne™ came into existence when design engineers at APlus Mobile were evaluating BeagleBone Black and Raspberry Pi as a solution for low cost control systems. Immediately, they discovered that the modules, as shipped, were fundamentally unusable for anything other than connecting to your PC and programming.

With this limitation, the APlus Mobile technical staff designed and developed an interface board that allows existing proponents of Raspberry Pi to use BeagleBone Black like a Highly Intelligent Super I/O device. It gives Raspberry Pi programmers a robust control platform with the ability to port their routines to BeagleBone Black easily and provides a standardized educational platform for students.

MotherBone™PiOne™ is an all-in-one 3.5" peripheral voltage isolating motherboard for the BeagleBone Black and Raspberry Pi Model B computers that expands and isolates all of the unused default pins of the BeagleBone Black internal resources. In addition, MotherBone™PiOne™ creates two different on-board communication links between Raspberry Pi and BeagleBone Black for advanced control functions allowing both modules to run individually or simultaneously in the real world.

With MotherBone™PiOne™, APlus Mobile provides a low cost safe I/O expansion peripheral for BeagleBone Black users to develop complex systems and avoid inherent issues associated with connecting to BeagleBone Black I/O pins. It also supports the larger Raspberry Pi user group in developing custom application software, which, like the BeagleBone Black, was also limited in its real world control out of the box.

APlus Mobile has decided to launch this product using crowdfunding through Kickstarter. Amy Ciesielka, President of APlus Mobile, indicated that "this method affords a greater opportunity to quickly penetrate the market." Ciesielka also champions domestic production and the MotherBone™PiOne™ module. She welcomes and encourages all robotics, systems engineers and educators at all levels to check out the MotherBone™PiOne™ and visit the launch website at https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/532391021/motherbonetmpionetm.

About APlus Mobile, Inc.

APlus Mobile, Inc., founded in 2004, is a privately held OEM/ODM that designs, develops and manufactures DC powered, open architecture, x86 computer, custom appliances and server hardware solutions. Its products are currently in the robotics, military, waste management and oil exploration industries. APlus Mobile's casings, PCBs and PCBAs are manufactured in the USA by APlus Mobile or its subcontractors. For more information please visit: http://www.aplusmobile.com

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