UAV Systems Development - Challenges for ISTAR Support

DSEi 2011 - Events to be staged in the Robotics and Unmanned Systems Showcase

‘UAV Systems Development - Challenges for ISTAR Support is the title of a briefing to be given by Cranfield Universitys Professor Ian Poll. Cranfield Aerospace, a wholly owned subsidiary of the university, has a growing capability in the field of Unmanned Air Systems (UAS), with a proven track record in the development of innovative systems. From 11:45 to 12:30, Tues 13 Sept.

Under the heading ‘UAV Hangars in Harsh Climes Sprung Instant Structuress International Sales Manager, Jonathon Fenton, will report on a climate controlled hangar for one of the largest UAVs in operation which has been installed in one of the hottest places on the planet. From 14:00 to 14:30, Tues 13 Sept.

Accumulating flight hours faster than any other mid-endurance UAV System, Insitus ScanEagle UAS is also the most employable, with a mission-readiness record exceeding 99 per cent. In Sustaining Scan Eagle's 500,000 Flight Hours - the Future of Unmanned Missions, Insitus International Business Development Director Steve Tanner reviews this impressive capability between 14:45 and 15:15, Tues 13 Sept.

A demonstration entitled ‘Foot Patrol in Afghanistan featuring unmanned air and ground systems, will be staged twice daily at 10:30 and 15:30.

The Robotics and Unmanned Systems Showcase is located in the north west corner of the North Halls - nearest entrance N3.

For information on other seminars happening during DSEi visit

These seminars are open to registered attendees of DSEi 2011. To register visit

Featured Product

TM Robotics – Shibaura Machine THE SCARA range

TM Robotics - Shibaura Machine THE SCARA range

The THE range from Shibaura Machine is an extensive line up of SCARA robots. Available in four arm lengths THE400 (400mm), THE600 (600mm) and the most recent THE800 (800mm) and THE1000 (1000mm), this range is suitable for assembly, handling, inspection and pick and place processes in varied industrial applications. The THE1000 boasts a 20kg payload capacity and an impressive 0.44 second cycle time, providing high speeds for processes with large components. In fact, the range has been recognised for as the price-to-performance leader compared to other SCARA models in its price range due to its impressive speed versus payload capacity.